Heap grooming

Let's first define heap grooming by identifying that it's not heap spraying. While these two concepts are related, heap spraying is used to make other exploitation techniques more reliable. Heap spraying gained popularity starting in 2001, and is primarily used to store code in a reliable location when attempting to gain code execution. [1]

Heap grooming or heap feng shui or heap shaping is a more nuanced technique that attempts to shape the heap in a manner that allows for follow on exploitation by the attacker. The use of this technique is pivotal to improving the reliability of using heap memory corruption for exploitation. For example, in order to use a heap overflow to create the conditions for overlapping chunks or a Use-after-free (UAF) vulnerability, the attacker might want to have chunks of specific sizes in specific locations or have program data structures in advantageous locations for sensitive information leaks, etc.


Heap Feng Shui in Javascript

First, we'll start with this BlackHat talk by Alexander Sotirov. It's actually pretty awesome that something this intense was discussed as early as 2007. Alexander's talk begins with a description of heap spraying, but shows that, while heap spraying is useful, it's still unreliable - we need the heap to be in a deterministic state to achieve reliable exploitation.

His Heap Feng Shui portion of the talk discusses how the heap allocator is deterministic in nature. The attacker must coerce the program to execute a series of allocations and frees until he deterministically controls important locations in the heap. Eventually, he demonstrates that the attacker can place malicious bytes onto the heap in a repeated nature, coerce the program to free his allocated chunks, and then, when the program resumes a different subroutine and allocates the recently free()d chunks, the attacker can exploit an unitialized variable vulnerability to gain code execution.

He goes on to discuss how the memory allocator works for Javascript / Internet Explorer and his creation of a library that allows him to log, debug, allocate, and free heap chunks of arbitrary size and contents within the Javascript / Internet Explorer heap.

Grooming the iOS Kernel Heap

Next, we'll talk about Azeria's discussion on grooming the iOS kernel heap. In this real world example, she demonstrates the exploitation of a one byte, heap overflow vulnerability to gain a UAF that allows her to leak sensitive information from program memory.

In this example, Azeria discusses that the state of the heap before exploitation is fragmented, with free and allocated chunks sparsely strewn about the heap. She coerces the application to fill the "gaps" in the heap by allocating objects until the freelist is empty. Subsequent allocations will then start at the highest address of the heap where she begins to create a series of "exploit zones", comprised of victim objects and placeholder objects. The victim objects will be used to overflow into succeeding objects on the heap. She free()s all of the placeholder objects in quick succession, linking them into the freelist. When the kernel allocates her target objects that she wishes to overflow into, the new allocations will be adjacent to the victim objects.

Using heap grooming, Azeria demonstrates that an attacker can coerce the allocator into placing victim objects next to sensitive kernel objects on the heap in order to corrupt heap memory, leading to a sensitive information disclosure.

shill, the Chrome OS network manager, had a one byte heap overflow in its DNS library. Attackers could communicate with the library using an HTTP proxy that was listening on localhost. The author demonstrates his use of heap grooming to ensure that the memory layout of the vulnerable process remained predictable so that he could reliably place allocations in the same location in heap memory.

The author demonstrates that, upon each connection, four allocations are conducted by the program to hold program data on the heap. When the connection closes, however, the middle 0x820 bytes in these four allocations are free()d and consolidated, and the two still allocated chunks protect the free 0x820 chunk from being further consolidated or modified.

The author goes on to explain that, in order to continue to reliably use this 0x820 chunk of memory to obtain overlapping chunks, he has to coerce the program to conduct "tons of small allocations" in order to empty the freelist. Finally, subsequent allocations allow him to reliably use his 0x820 chunk of memory, eventually conducting a heap buffer overflow to shrink a free chunk causing a future free() operation on a succeeding chunk to overlap an allocated chunk. [4]

Malloc tunables

A listing of malloc tunables can be found here. There's not much documentation on how malloc tunables can affect exploitation methods, or my Google-Fu is probably just not good enough. Either way, in this section I'll wargame some malloc tunable changes that could possibly bring about interesting changes to how we approach heap exploitation.

glibc.malloc.tcache_count and glibc.malloc.tache_max

These two tunables are interesting if we know that the target glibc uses tcaches. If I knew that the vulnerable program was vulnerable to a double free, I would probably go for a Fastbin Dup attack. The default number of chunks that get linked into the tcache is 7, however, if this was modified to be something else, we'd have to do some debugging in production conditions to determine the tcache_count. This tunable would affect the number of chunks I free() in order to fill the tcache before I attempt to abuse the fastbin.

tcache_max could also affect any attempts to go after heap metadata for chunks linked into the unsortedbin. If tcache_max's size overlapped with sizes that are usually used for the unsortedbin, I would have to ensure that the tcache is full before attempting to link chunks into the unsortedbin.

glibc.malloc.arena_max and MALLOC_ARENA_MAX

The glibc.malloc.arena_max tunable overrides anything set by MALLOC_ARENA_MAX, but they achieve the same outcome. These two tunables set the maximum number of arenas that can be used by the process across all threads . For 32-bit systems, this value is twice the number of cores online and for 64-bit systems, this value is 8 times the number of cores online.

This is important if we're attempting to exploit the heap of a vulnerable program that leverages multi-threaded operations. MALLOC_ARENA_MAX increases the number of available memory pools that threads can allocate memory from. A higher number of arenas helps to prevent thread contention for heap resources as each thread has to lock the arena before allocating or free()ing memory.

If we have local access to the vulnerable application, we can modify the MALLOC_ARENA_MAX environment variable and set it to 1. This forces each thread of our target program to use the same arena, allowing us to possibly exploit race conditions that might be present, or it could just make grooming the heap easier. Either way, it's important to keep in mind how many arenas are present when exploiting a program that leverages multi-threading as this will guide our approach on how to effectively groom the heap across multiple arenas.


  1. https://seclists.org/bugtraq/2001/Jul/533
  2. https://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-europe-07/Sotirov/Presentation/bh-eu-07-sotirov-apr19.pdf
  3. https://azeria-labs.com/grooming-the-ios-kernel-heap/
  4. https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2016/12/chrome-os-exploit-one-byte-overflow-and.html
  5. https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Memory-Allocation-Tunables.html