Race conditions

Before we explain how race conditions can be used for exploitation, let's first understand race conditions. Like with everything, there's a Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) entry for this vulnerability. The formal name for a race condition is Concurrent Execution using Shared Resource with Improper Synchronization. What this essentially means is that the vulnerable program is leveraging parallelism, executing sections of code concurrently. Concurrent operations exist in just about every modern application as it's much more effecient than executing code sequentially and makes better use of available operating system resources.

The problem in this situation, as stated in the title, is that the use of resources across execution contexts is improperly synchronized. If you've dealt with multi-processing or multi-threading before, you'll understand the need to protect shared resources by enforcing atomicity and exclusivity. Two or more execution contexts accessing or modifying a shared resource without the proper use of synchronization mechanisms can lead to undefined behavior - and undefined behavior can lead to program exploitation.

In the following sections, we'll discuss a few vulnerabilities that are children of race conditions, with some examples on how they can be exploited.

Signal Handler Race Condition

Signal handler race conditions can occur when signal handlers registered for a process use non-reentrnant functions. Reentrancy is a property of a function or subroutine where multiple invocations can safely run concurrently. Reentrant functions can be interrupted in the middle of their execution and then safely re-entered before previous invocations complete execution.

Non-reentrant functions that are commonly involved with this vulnerability include malloc() and free() because they may use global or static data structures for managing memory. This vulnerability manifests when a procedure used for signal handling is registered for multiple signals and accesses the shared resources during the handling of the signal. Below is some example code that demonstrates this vulnerability, written by Michal Zalewski in the article , Delivering Signals for Fun and Profit:

 * This is a generic verbose signal handler - does some  *
 * logging and cleanup, probably calling other routines. *

void sighndlr(int dummy) {
  // *** Initial cleanup code, calling the following somewhere:
  // *** 1 *** >> Additional clean-up code - unlink tmp files, etc <<

   * This is a signal handler declaration somewhere *
   * at the beginning of main code.                 *


  // *** Other initialization routines, and global pointer
  // *** assignment somewhere in the code (we assume that
  // *** nnn is partially user-dependent, yyy does not have to be):


  // *** 2 *** >> further processing, allocated memory <<
  // *** 2 *** >> is filled with any data, etc...     <<

In this example, Michael discusses that this code is vulnerable because both SIGHUP and SIGTERM's signal handlers execute syslog(), which uses malloc(), and free() on the same shared resources. These functions are not re-entrant because they operate on the same global structures, if one of the signal handler functions were suspended while the other executed, it's possible that, once global_ptr2 is free()d, syslog() could be executed with attacker-supplied data, re-using the free chunk and overwriting heap metadata. Given the right conditions, this could lead to process exploitation.

Race Condition within a Thread

This particular example is pretty straight-forward: two threads of execution in a program use a resource simultaneously without proper synchronization, possibly causing the threads to use invalid resources, leading to an undefined program state.

Below is some example C code from CWE demonstrating this vulnerability:

int foo = 0;
int storenum(int num) {
	static int counter = 0;
	if (num > foo) foo = num;
	return foo;

Again, pretty straight-foward. If this code executed concurrently using two different threads, the value of foo after this procedure's returns is not deterministic between different invocations of the program.

A more interesting and real-world example of this bug that achieves code execution is demonstrated in the article, Racing MIDI messages in Chrome, by Google Project Zero. Some background information: Chrome implements a user facing JavaScript API that conducts inter-process communication (IPC) with a privilieged browser process that provides brokered access to MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) devices. Yeah, it's a surprise to me, too.

Anyways, the author goes to describe two bugs he found in the MIDI manager's implementation, both vulnerable to a use-after-free (UAF) bug due to a race condition. Because concurrent operations on objects in the heap are not properly synchronized between threads, it's possible to coerce one of threads to execute a virtual function of an already free object in the heap. The author goes on to provide a proof of concept to obtain code execution using the first bug, leveraging heap grooming to obtain a desirable heap state before forcing a series of allocations to overwrite the vtable of the free object.

Without an adequate sensitive information disclosure, he is unable to predicatbly redirect the process to obtain arbitrary code execution, however, he still demonstrates that he can gain control of the RIP.

Time-of-check Time-of-use (TOCTOU)

Time-of-check time-of-use (TOCTOU) is a classic vulnerability that is a child of the race condition weakness. In summation, the program checks the state of a resource, our permissions to access the resource, etc., before actually using it. The actual use of the resource comes after the check, but what if the state of the resource changes before it's used? If we check the resource but its properties change before we actually use it, our program is liable to have undefined behavior.

An interesting example of this vulnerability and how it can be exploited was covered in the logrotate challenge of 35C3CTF 2019. In the challenge, the logrotate binary rotates logs within the /tmp/log directory, owned by the user. The logrotate program executes as root, but creates files that are owned by user:user in the directory of /tmp/log. logrotate executes stat() on the /tmp/log directory prior to using the directory to write /tmp/log/pwnme.log, making logrotate vulnerable to a TOCTOU race condition.

Armed with this information, the author of the writeup uses inotify to detect when a change occurs for the /tmp/log directory. As soon as this happens, the author creates a symbolic link for /tmp/log pointing it to /etc/bash_completion.d. logrotate creates a user owned pwnme.log file in /etc/bash_completion.d where the author writes his reverse-shell callback shell script to. The next time root acquires a session, the reverse-shell callback script is executed and the attacker is able to acquire a root shell.

The CTF challenge I just described is also a good example of the CWE: Symbolic Name not Mapping to Correct Object.


There are a few other vulnerabilities that are children of the general race condition CWE such as:

  • Context Switching Race Condition
  • Race Condition During Access to Alternate Channel
  • Permission Race Condition During Resource Copy

While these are also interesting CWEs related to race conditions, the ones we discussed above have pretty solid examples and demonstrations of real-world application, which is the primary reason why I covered them.


  1. https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/362.html
  2. https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/364.html
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reentrancy_(computing)
  4. https://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/signals.txt
  5. https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/366.html
  6. https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2016/02/racing-midi-messages-in-chrome.html
  7. https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/367.html
  8. https://tech.feedyourhead.at/content/abusing-a-race-condition-in-logrotate-to-elevate-privileges
  9. https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/386.html
  10. https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/368.html
  11. https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/421.html