Calling libc functions / syscalls

Calling conventions

First, let's talk about calling conventions. For the System V x86 application binary interface (ABI), parameters to functions are passed on the stack in reverse order such that the first parameter is the last value pushed to the stack.

Functions are called using the call instruction, pushing the address of the next instruction onto the stack and jumping to the operand. Functions return to the caller using ret, popping a value from the stack and jumping to it.

Function calls preserve the registers ebx, esi, edi, ebp, and esp. eax, ecx, and edx are scratch registers, their values might not be the same after a function call. The return value of a function is stored in eax, unless the return value is a 64-bit value, then the higher 32-bits will be returned in edx.

For the System V x86-64 ABI, parameters to functions are passed in the registers rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, and r9. If a function call requires more than 6 parameters, further values are passed to the function call on the stack in reverse order. Functions return to the caller using ret, popping a value from the stack and jumping to it.

Function calls preserve the registers rbx, rsp, rbp, r12, r13, r14, and r15. rax, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9, r10, and r11 are scratch registers, their values might not be the same after a function call. The return value of a function is stored in rax, unless the return value is a 128-bit value, then the higher 64-bits will be returned in rdx. [1]

The standard C library and syscalls

What's a libc function?

The term libc is shorthand for the "standard C library". The most widely used C library on Linux is the GNU C Library, referred to as glibc. The pathname for your installation of libc on a Linux operating system is probably something similar to: /lib/ For a dynamically-linked target binary, you can use ldd to print its shared object dependencies - you'll usually find there. [2]

libc functions are functions exported by the shared library. libc functions are commonly used functions within the C programming language, for example: printf(), puts(), gets()

What's a syscall?

A system call (syscall), sometimes called kernel calls, is a request for service that a program makes of the kernel. This is usually a privileged operation, like changing permissions of a file, opening a file descriptor, etc. The libc functions mentioned earlier usually handle syscalls for the programmer, however, an attacker sometimes has to make syscalls directly for an exploit to work. [3]

To make a syscall directly on x86 on a Linux operating system, first ensure your registers contain their necessary values. [4] Then, issue the instruction int 0x80. This instruction is an interrupt that passes control to interrupt vector 0x80. On Linux, this interrupt vector is used to handle syscalls. [5]

To make a syscall directly on x86-64 on a Linux operating system, first ensure your registers contain their necessary values. [6] Then, issue the instruction syscall. [7]

Using ROP to call a libc function

Now that we understand the calling conventions, we can use ROP to call libc functions. We're going to assume that the attacker already has control over the stack and the EIP or RIP. We're also going to assume that the attacker has used an information leak to expose sensitive information, namely the base of libc within memory. With these conditions, the attacker can execute one of the most basic ROP attacks: ret2libc.

The attacker must use their control over the EIP/RIP and stack to construct a stack frame that will call libc's system() function. The attacker will also craft the stack frame so that the system() function will use the string '/bin/sh' as an argument.

Here's what the stack would look like for a ret2libc attack on x86:

p32(system)         # Address of system() function within libc
p32(0xcafebabe)     # Fake return pointer
p32(bin_sh_ptr)     # arg0: pointer to '/bin/sh' string

After the stack is corrupted with the attacker's ret2libc stack frame, when the vulnerable function conducts a ret, the program will pop the system() address from the stack and jump to system() within libc. The system() function will continue execution and use the pointer to the '/bin/sh' string as an argument, executing system('/bin/sh').

For x86-64, remember that we need to place our arguments into registers before making calls to libc functions. A ret2libc attack will look slightly different:

p64(pop_rdi_ret)    # pop rdi; ret gadget
p64(bin_sh_ptr)     # arg0: pointer to '/bin/sh' string
p64(system)         # Address of system() function within libc

For x86-64, system() expects arg0 to be contained within the rdi register. Using our techniques discussed earlier to find ROP gadgets, we find a pop rdi; ret gadget within either libc or the target binary. We use this gadget to pop the address of our '/bin/sh' string into rdi and then we ret into the address of system(). Just like in x86, this executes system('/bin/sh').

The next section will cover executing syscalls directly.

