OOO Load/Store Execution

The below example discusses the intricacies of out-of-order execution of load and store instructions. In the example provided, the sub operation is able to execute out-of-order because it has no dependencies. Once it produces a value for R1, we execute the dependent load instruction. Meanwhile, the first load in the queue encountered a cache miss and is waiting memory addressed by R6 to be loaded.

When the first load instruction finally completes, the dependent store instruction resolves its target address with the previous add and notices that the succeeding load also target the same address. Thus, the succeeding load instruction loaded a stale value from memory and the instructions in the queue need to be invalidated.


In-order Load/Store Execution

In contrast, an example is provided for in-order load and store execution of the load/store queue. It discusses how we can dispatch non-load and non-store instructions for execution if they contain no dependencies. However, this model still enforces that load/store instructions execute in order so, even if we have our target address calculated, all preceding store instructions must commit before we can load.

In this example, the first load instruction encounters a cache miss and also resolves a dependency for the preceding arithmetic operation. Thus, the succeeding store operation is also stalled. The sub operation further down in the queue is able to be dispatched out-of-order, the load operation, however, cannot proceed because the previous store operation has not taken place.

While this may avoid us having to recover if the last load reads stale values, this also prevents us from leveraging a performance increase if the last load didn't actually depend on the preceding store.


Memory ordering quiz

In this quiz we are instructed to determine how many cycles it would take to execute the instructions in the provided load-store queue in-order if all load instructions encountered a cache miss of 40 cycles.
