ROB In Depth

Part 1

The below excerpt from the class gives us a high-level representation of the components of the reorder buffer. The reorder buffer is a table of values, this is what each column represents:

  • reg - the target register for writing
  • val - the result of an instruction
  • done - determines if the data contained in the value column is valid for writing

The reorder buffer also uses two pointers for commit and issue, helping to maintain the results of the instructions in program order. As new instructions are issued they are enqueued into the buffer using the issue pointer. The commit pointer points to the oldest instruction that will be written to its respective register. The instructions between the commit and issue pointers have been deemed valid for writing.


Part 2

The below excerpt from the lectures shows, in detail, how the ROB mechanism is appended into Tomasulo's algorithm to support handling exceptions for ooo execution.

The changes that are made to the algorithm are:

  • During an issue operation, the RAT now uses the name of the ROB entry for a register instead of the reservation station.
  • During a dispatch operation, the reservation station can be immediately freed because the results of the operation will be using the ROB name instead of the reservation station name.


Part 3

The below excerpt from the lectures explains the changes between Tomasulo's algorithm with and without the ROB and how the ROB supports ooo execution with exceptions.

The changes that are made to the algorithm are:

  • During the write back or broadcast operation, the values are still captured by instructions waiting in the reservation stations. However, instead of writing the values to the registers and clearing the RAT like normal, the values are written to the ROB, and the RAT maintains its name value for the ROB entry.
  • A fourth operation is appended called commit. In the commit stage, we write the value of the register pointed to by the commit pointer, and we update the RAT to point to the newly written register instead of the ROB entry.
