Introduction to Random Testing
Random testing (fuzzing)
Random testing or fuzzing is the practice of feeding random inputs to a program, observing whether or not it behaves correctly. During this observation, we determine if the execution of the program satisfies the given specification or if it doesn't crash from random inputs.
Fuzzing can be viewed as a special case of mutation analysis.
Cuzz: fuzzing thread schedules
Cuzz, the Microsoft multi-threaded application fuzzer, introduces sleep()
calls automatically in order to suss our concurrency-related bugs in the program
under test. This makes concurrency testing less tedious and error-prone in
comparison to a human analysis, and the sleep()
calls are introduced
systematically before each statement.
This method of fuzzing multi-threaded programs provides us with the worst-case probabilistic guarantee on finding bugs.
Depth of concurrency bugs
- Bug depth - the number of ordering constraints a thread schedule has to satisfy to find the bug.
- Ordering constraints - the order in which statements have to execute to introduce a bug.
From real-world studies using Cuzz, testers observed that many concurrency-related bugs have a shallow bug depth.
Probabilistic guarantee
Cuzz provides a probabilistic guarantee that a bug will be discovered in the program using the following equation:
- n threads
- k steps
- d bug depth
- probability ==
1 / (n * (k**(d-1)))
Measured vs worst-case probability
- The worst-case guarantee to find a concurrency-related bug with Cuzz is for the hardest-to-find bug of a given depth. If multiple bugs exist, the probability of finding a bug, in general, increases. As the number of threads increases in the program, the odds of triggering a bug increases.
Random testing: pros and cons
- Easy to implement
- Good coverage given enough tests
- Works against programs of any format
- Useful for finding security vulnerabilities
- Inefficient test suites
- Finds bugs that might be unimportant
- Poor code coverage