Introduction to Software Analysis
What is program analysis?
Program Analysis is a body of work to automatically discover useful facts about programs and can be classified into three kinds of analysis:
- Dynamic (run-time)
- Static (compile-time)
- Hybrid (combination of dynamic and static)
Dynamic analysis
Dynamic program analysis infers facts about a program by monitoring its runs (executions). Some of examples of well known dynamic analysis tools are as follows:
- Array bounds checking - Purify
- Data race detection - Eraser
- Memory leak detection - Valgrind
- Finding likely invariants - Daikon
- An invariant is a program fact that is true for every run of the program
Static analysis
Static program analysis infers facts about of a program by inspecting its code. This can be done on both source code and compiled binaries. Some of examples of well known static analysis tools are as follows:
- Suspicious error patters - Lint, FindBugs, Coverity
- Memory leak detection - Facebook Infer
- Checking API usage rules - Microsoft SLAM
- Verifying invariants - ESC / Java
Discovering invariants using dynamic analysis
Dynamic analysis is useful for detecting likely invariants, but has difficulty following programs that has loops or recursion - this can lead to arbitrarily many paths. Dynamic analysis tools like Daikon, while being unable to execute all arbitrary paths of a binary dynamically, can rule out entire classes of invariants by observing a run of a program.
Discovering invariants using static analysis
Static analysis and inspection of the source code of a program enables us with the ability to definitively identify invariants.
- Control flow graph - a graphical representation of each statement within a program, with nodes being instructions and edges being possible execution paths between instructions.
- Abstract state - an abstract state represents variables with a symbolic value
- Concrete state - a concrete state assigns values to variables
- Termination - the resolution of all paths within a program
- Completeness - a program analysis that accepts correct programs and rejects incorrect programs. An incomplete program analysis rejects correct programs
- Soundness - a sound analysis accepts bug-free programs and rejects buggy programs. An unsound program analysis accepts buggy programs.
Iterative approximation
Iterative approximation is a static analysis technique that iterates over the paths of a program, constantly updating inferred facts until it arrives at a complete understanding of the necessary values for each variable to reach a desired program path.
Dynamic vs static analysis
The following are statements comparing to the cost and effectiveness of dynamic and static program analysis:
- Dynamic
- Cost - Proportional of program's execution time
- Effectiveness - Unsound (may miss errors)
- Static
- Cost - Proportional to program's size
- Effectiveness - Incomplete (may report spurious errors)
Advantage of static analysis over dynamic analysis:
Static analysis may achieve soundness - it is possible to design an analysis that does not miss an error in a program, even if some of errors reported may be false positives. Since static analysis does not require the program to be run, the cost to analyze a piece of software is proportional to its code size, not it’s runtime. Since static analysis does not require the program to be run, it can be performed on a machine without requiring that machine to be able to run the code.
Advantage of dynamic analysis over static analysis:
Dynamic analysis may achieve completeness - it is possible to design an analysis that will only report errors that can be triggered in a concrete execution of the program, even if some errors may be undiscovered due to limitations on the number of runs inspected. Since dynamic analysis is performed by observing a concrete run of a program, bugs found using this method are typically easy to report / reproduce.
Undecidability of program properties
Questions like "Is a program point reachable on some input?" are undecidable meaning, we would need an infinite amount of time to conduct the program analysis to discover the answer to the proposed question. Program analysis can be sound and complete, but only if we never terminate. Thus, designing a program analysis is an art in which we balance how thorough the analysis is - the tradeoffs are dictated by the consumer of the analysis.
Consumers of program analysis
- Compilers - compilers utilize program analysis to optimize code, removing unnecessary code that results in the same outcome for an invariant.
- Software quality tools - tools for testing, debugging, and verification.
Software quality tools are used for:
- Finding programming errors
- Proving program invariants
- Generating test cases
- Localizing causes of errors
- Integrated development environments (IDEs) - IDEs use program analysis to help
- understand programs
- refactor programs