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2. Manipulating the WebSocket handshake to exploit vulnerabilities

This lab demonstrates exploiting a XSS (cross site scripting) vulnerability in a chat box
implemented with WebSockets. Using Python's BeautifulSoup and websockets libraries, we're able to
extract the WebSockets endpoint from this site's HTML, initiate a new connection, and inject
IMG tags to attempt to load an image from the src "/". Obviously, this will fail and, onerror, we'll
execute a script to trigger the alert() function.

This website implements a XSS WAF on messages received via the connection, and if it sees the string
"onerror", it will detect event-based script injection and blacklist the IP address of the attacker.
We can bypass this by modifiying our headers for the WebSocket handshake, adding the
"X-Forwarded-For" header with a bogus IP address to bypass the blacklist. We then test our attack
again by SpongeBob-casing our "onerror" statement -> "oNeRrOr".
