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2398. Maximum Number of Robots Within Budget

This problem combines the concepts of monotonic queue and maximizing across a sliding window. We're
told that the equation for total cost of a selection of robots is:

  max(chargeTimes) + k * sum(runningCosts)

where chargeTimes is a selection of chargeTimes from the chargeTimes list and runningCosts is a
selection of runningCosts from the runningCosts list. k is the number of robots in our selection.

Because we have to return the maximum number of consecutive robots that don't exceed the budget, we
know we have to use a sliding window. Therefore, we use two pointers, r and l, to shrink and grow
the window as we add robots. We also maintain a running total of the running costs, curr - we'll
use this to essentially add and remove robots from our selection.

Finally, charge times. We always need to know what the maximum charge time is. We maintain a
monotonically decreasing queue. queue[0] will always be the maximum charge time for our selection of
robots. When we exceed the budget, while we remove robots from the selection by shrinking the
sliding window, if the robot referenced by l is the robot with the maximum charge time, we pop from
the left end of the queue. This will maintain that queue[0] is always the maximum charge time for
the robots in our sliding window.

Finally, we maximize across the sizes of the sliding windows we've seen that fit the budget.

The solution is as follows:

  from collections import deque

  class Solution:
      def maximumRobots(
          self, chargeTimes: List[int], runningCosts: List[int], budget: int
      ) -> int:
          queue = deque([])
          r, l, curr, ans, n = 0, 0, 0, 0, len(chargeTimes)

          while r < n:
              while queue and chargeTimes[queue[-1]] < chargeTimes[r]:

              curr += runningCosts[r]
              r += 1

              while l < r and chargeTimes[queue[0]] + (r - l) * curr > budget:
                  if queue[0] == l:

                  curr -= runningCosts[l]
                  l += 1

              ans = max(ans, r - l)

          return ans

_ Time Complexity:

  O(n) - We inspect all elements in the array once.

_ Space Complexity:

  O(n) - We maintain a monotonically decreasing queue.