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480. Sliding Window Median

Similar to 295, except we're asked to find the median of a sliding window of
size k. We use the same thinking here, having two heaps to maintain the median, and the heaps will
be of equal size - save the median being stored on the max heap.

We start off by processing k numbers, pushing them onto the max heap. We the balance the heaps by
pushing half of the max heap onto the min heap. We then calculate the median and store it in our
answer array.

We start the sliding window's right pointer at k, and maintain a balance variable to keep track of
which heap, min or max, has more numbers. We also maintain a dictionary to count numbers that are
marked for deletion (mfd). This means that this number is the leftmost number in the sliding window.

If the leftmost number marked for deletion is in the max heap, we decrement the balance by 1,
meaning that we'll need to push a number from the min heap onto the max heap. Otherwise, the number
marked for deletion is in the min heap, so we increment the balance by 1, meaning we'll need to push
a number from the max heap onto the min heap.

If the rightmost number added to the sliding window is less than the max heap's top, we push it onto
the max heap and increment the balance by 1. Otherwise, we push it onto the min heap and decrement
the balance by 1.

Using the balance, we rebalance the two heaps to make sure they're of equal size. We then remove
numbers from the heaps that are marked for deletion. We then calculate the median and store it in
our answer array.

The solution is as follows:

  from heapq import *
  from collections import defaultdict

  class Solution:
      def medianSlidingWindow(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[float]:
          minheap, maxheap, ans = [], [], []
          mfd = defaultdict(int)

          def get_median():
              return -maxheap[0] if k % 2 else (minheap[0] - maxheap[0]) / 2

          for i in range(k):
              heappush(maxheap, -nums[i])

          for i in range(k // 2):
              heappush(minheap, -heappop(maxheap))œ

          ans = [get_median()]

          for r in range(k, len(nums)):
              balance, l = 0, nums[r - k]
              mfd[l] += 1
              balance += -1 if not l > -maxheap[0] else 1

              if not nums[r] > -maxheap[0]:
                  heappush(maxheap, -nums[r])
                  balance += 1
                  heappush(minheap, nums[r])
                  balance -= 1

              if balance > 0:
                  heappush(minheap, -heappop(maxheap))
              elif balance < 0:
                  heappush(maxheap, -heappop(minheap))

              while maxheap and mfd[-maxheap[0]]:
                  mfd[-heappop(maxheap)] -= 1

              while minheap and mfd[minheap[0]]:
                  mfd[heappop(minheap)] -= 1


          return ans

_ Time Complexity:

  O(n * k log k) - We process all numbers, and we process k numbers of the sliding window using
  heap operations.

_ Space Complexity:

  O(k) - We require two heaps to store the numbers in the sliding window.