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2402. Meeting Rooms III

We're given an array of meeting intervals, [start_i, end_i], and we have n meetings rooms that can
be allocated. Meetings will take place in the rooms with the lowest number, and once a meeting starts
in a room that room is no longer available. If a meeting is scheduled to start and no rooms are
available, the meeting will be delayed and start when a room becomes available - retaining its
original duration.

To solve this, we use two min heaps - one for the vacant meeting rooms, and one for tracking the
occupied rooms and their end times. We sort the meetings by start time, and iterate through them. For
each iteration, while meetings in the occupied heap are ending before the current meeting starts, we
pop them off the heap and push them to the vacancy list.

If a room is vacant, the current meeting can start at its scheduled time. Otherwise, we pop a meeting
from the occupied heap and make note of the end time for this meeting. We push the current meeting
onto the occupied heap with a new end time, accounting for the delay and original duration. We keep
track of the room we updated, and add the number of meetings handled in this room to the dictionary.

Finally, we return the room number for the room with the greatest number of meetings.

The solution is as follows:

  from heapq import heappop, heappush

  class Solution:
      def mostBooked(self, n: int, meetings: List[List[int]]) -> int:
          count = [0] * n
          vacant, occupied = list(range(n)), []
          meetings = sorted(meetings)

          for start, end in meetings:
              while occupied and occupied[0][0] <= start:
                  heappush(vacant, heappop(occupied)[1])

              if vacant:
                  room = heappop(vacant)
                  heappush(occupied, (end, room))
                  t, room = heappop(occupied)
                  heappush(occupied, (t + end - start, room))

              count[room] += 1

          return count.index(max(count))

_ Time Complexity:

  O(m * log(m) + m * log(n)) - Sorting meetings requires mlog(m) time, we push and pop from the heap
  in log(n) time, and we do this operation m times.

_ Space Complexity:

  O(n) - We need n space to store counts, and the heaps will store at most n elements.