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2225. Find Plays With Zero or One Losses

This is a regular counting problem. We have a list of matches of type [[int, int], ..., [int, int]]
where match[0] is the winner and match[1] is the loser. The problem asks us to return a sorted list
of winners (players who have 0 losses) and losers (players who have at most 1 loss).

We solve this problem by using defaultdict(int) to create a dictionary of losers and their losses. We
also maintain a set() of players just to track what players have actually played a match.

We iterate through all matches, adding both the winners and the losers to the players set. We also
add the loser to the losses dictionary, incrementing their loss by 1. Finally, we use a set operation
with the players set to find players that are not in the losses dictionary. These are our winners.

For each loser and number of losses, if the number of losses for a loser == 1, we add them to the
losers list. Finally, we return a sorted list of winners and losers.

The solution is as follows:

  from collections import defaultdict

  class Solution:
      def findWinners(self, matches: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
          counts = defaultdict(int)
          players = set()

          for winner, loser in matches:
              counts[loser] += 1

          winners = players - set(counts.keys())
          losers = []

          for loser, losses in counts.items():
              if losses == 1: losers += [loser]

          return [sorted(list(winners)), sorted(losers)]

_ Time Complexity:

  O(n) - We iterate through each match in the input list once.

_ Space Complexity:

  O(n) - We store every player in the players set.