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2457. Minimum Addition to Make Integer Beautiful

We're given a target and an integer, n, that we need to make beautfiul - meaning the sum of the
digits of n are less than target. We need to return the minimum integer, x, that accomplishes this
when n + x.

We start by figuring out how we're going to sum the digits of n. We can do this by creating a lambda
to convert n to a str, then a list, then each character an int, and then finally we can sum the list.

We keep track of the current digit we're inspecting, starting from the rightmost digit. We convert
the rightmost digit to 0, and keep track of the difference. Then we shift left to the next digit.
While the digit sum of n + x, where n is the original integer and x is the difference, is greater
than the target, we continue to do these operations.

Eventually, we'll find the minimum difference we need to add to be less than target.

The solution is as follows:

  class Solution:
      def makeIntegerBeautiful(self, n: int, target: int) -> int:
          digit_sum = lambda n: sum(map(int, list(str(n))))
          digit, x = 10, 0

          while digit_sum(n + x) > target:
              x = digit - (n % digit)
              digit *= 10

          return x

_ Time Complexity:

  O(n) - Where n is the number of digits in the input.

_ Space Complexity:

  O(n) - We convert n digits to a list to sum the digits.