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2139. Minimum Moves to Reach Target Score

We're given an integer, target, that we want to reach with the minimum amount of operations. The
operations we can conduct or multiply by 2, and increment by 1. We also have an integer, maxDoubles,
the maximum number of times we can multiply by 2. We need to return the minimum number of operations
required to reach the target.

We solve this problem greedily, and work backwards. While we have maxDoubles left and the target is
greater than 1, if the target is even and greater than 2, we multiply by 2 and decremenet maxDoubles
by 1. Otherwise, we decrement the target by 1. After conducting either operation, we'll increment
the number of operations we've done so far by 1.

Eventually, target will be equal to 1, and we'll return the minimum number of operations needed to
reach target.

The solution is as follows:

  class Solution:
      def minMoves(self, target: int, maxDoubles: int) -> int:
          ans = 0

          while target > 1 and maxDoubles:
              if not target % 2 and target != 2:
                  maxDoubles -= 1
                  target = target // 2
                  target -= 1

              ans += 1

          return ans + target - 1

_ Time Complexity:

  O(n) - Where n is the target, we iterate n times in the worst case.

_ Space Complexity:

  O(1) - We use constant space to track number of operations.