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213. House Robber II

Similar to previous house robber problems, however, the houses are in a circle so if we rob the
first one we can't rob the last one.

We use the simple robbing algorithm wherein we maintain a and b, two different totals based on
whether or not we rob or skip the current house. Then we just take the max of the two outcomes,
skipping the first house and robbing the rest, or robbing the first house and skipping the last.

The solution is as follows:

  class Solution:
      def simpleRob(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
          a = b = 0

          for num in nums:
              a, b = max(num + b, a), a

          return a

      def rob(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
          n = len(nums)

          if not n or not nums:
              return 0

          if n == 1:
              return nums[0]

          return max(self.simpleRob(nums[:-1]), self.simpleRob(nums[1:]))

_ Time Complexity:

  O(n) - Where n is the length of nums, we iterate through the numebr list twice.

_ Space Complexity:

  O(1) - We use constant space to calculate the result.