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Coding interviews for the largest tech companies require engineers to solve random
algorithms or implement complex data structures within 15-30 minutes - something
you'll likely never do on the job as a software engineer.

Unfortunately, this is the world we live in so dance, clap, and sing the songs to
the right tune to get the job. These are my notes from grokking the most common data
structures and algorithms questions encountered in coding interviews.

Hopefully these notes will help you on your journey. Good luck and godspeed.

│                                                                                  │
│                                     CONTENTS                                     │
│                                                                                  │
│ 1.0   Arrays and Strings ....................................................... │
│ 2.0   Hashing .................................................................. │
│ 3.0   Linked Lists ............................................................. │
│ 4.0   Stacks and Queues ........................................................ │
│ 5.0   Trees and Graphs ......................................................... │
│ 6.0   Heaps .................................................................... │
│ 7.0   Greedy ................................................................... │
│ 8.0   Binary Search ............................................................ │
│ 9.0   Backtracking ............................................................. │
│ 10.0  Dynamic Programming ...................................................... │
│ 11.0  Bit Manipulation ......................................................... │
│                                                                                  │